Saturday, November 18, 2006

Grey eggs? Is that an Arab custom?

I miss my Saturday lie-ins. Yes, they are lie-ins, not lay-ins as others I know would have it; for I know the law as far as correct language and terminology is concerned and will enforce it with my last breath (Marshmellow pronouncers beware!). For the second weekend running I find myself setting an alarm that even King Earliest I of the Earlybird people would raise an eyebrow at the thought of considering.

Last Saturday it was work that had me out of my fetid pit at an indecent hour of a weekend - eliciting the consumer response to a self-assembly mattress from the consumers of Southwest London; don't ask! - but this Saturday I am at least more fortunate that my early start was for social purposes, in order that two timely trains could convey me to where I now find myself lounging, in the newly acquired domestic environs of a friend in the provinces.

A three course meal is being prepared in an adjacent room, for this evening and there just so happened to be a laptop handy, so I thought I'd put my foot on the throttle and motor out into the information superhighway. I've so far made my way down the list of tip-top taps you will note on the left, just checkin' in as t'were and now I thought I'd post a mini-missive here as well. How do you like that? ....What! Well sod you then!

Sorry, tired and crotchety, must be these early starts! Yawn...

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