Monday, November 13, 2006

The blue Samsonite please!

Right, well; new blog format, new approach. Mr Kenneth is no longer speaking in the third person as of now thank you very much. It was quite exhausting to keep a check on when relating first person experiences and what's more it was probably only evidence of my deep-seated reluctance to get close to strangers and extend my personality to them.

I will also make an effort to write off the cuff rather than treat each blog entry as some kind of linguistic epic of perfection. (Not that they ever were for a second, judging by today's re-reading)

I've been in 2 plays since writing my last post. That is to say one play followed by another play, so in terms of self-projection the journey has begun. It's ludicrous on the one hand to be a noisy, opinionated performer kind of a person and on the other be writing in the third person and be too timid to ask a cab driver to turn the heating down. (I know! I was sweating like a navvy's crotch and he was wearing a quilted jerkin!) I really am full of contradiction and the more I can make the two halves join and reach some kind of equilibrium the better.

I've also been on a naturist holiday for goodness sake, so it's not like I'm some shrinking violet. Perhaps shrinkingly violent is the apt oxymoron here.

The top and bottom is less analysis of one's self, one's work, one's personal life, one's habits etc and more getting the hell on with whatever takes my fancy, thank you very much.

More soon you might be led to expect. We shall see.

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