Friday, July 11, 2008

His name's Kent! Kent! I said that's not a name it's a cricket team!

Has anyone else considered that Nicole Kidman's baby naming is a little ill-conceived? Apart from being the usual celeb-whack choice, eschewing convention in favour of bizarre, it's terribly close to being Sunday Roast.

If it was intentional and Nicole likes a nice meat and two veg on the day of rest, then may I suggest Friday Fish for the next one.

I also read today that not only is Christie Brinkley 54 - fifty-four!! - but she has a 10 year old son called Sailor. Hello Sailor!

God his life's gonna be shit! Apart from all the money - she's just been granted 18 homes across the world in a divorce battle.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Mr Smith

Mr Smith,
originally uploaded by Mr Kenneth.
Hang on! Twenty-six planets? Innumerable Daleks? I make that Pimm's O' Clock!

Friday, June 27, 2008

A five hour drive on badly tarmac'd B-roads might not be everyone's cup of tea

This is a test post to see how easy it is to post videos to a blog