He meant to blog at the time, but as well as all that palaver with the entry into the BAFTA thing, he has also seen Acorn Antiques, The Musical two times (twice, that is to say one time and then another time) and somewhere in the last couple of months also stayed in a hotel which he discovered only upon arriving was a conversion of the venue where he first saw the great VW perform live for the very first time. It was Victoria Wood mania, it really was! (The venue was Manchester Free Trade hall in case you're interested, you are? Ooh I am pleased!*) It seems the venue was also famous for being the one Bob Dylan first chose to 'go electric', causing riots or some such kerfuffle. But who cares about that (No, of course you don't and quite right too!) Anyway it's now a Radisson Edwardian and a reasonable job they've made of the conversion if you call keeping the facade and ramming a tower block up through the roof 'reasonable'. Mr Kenneth would link to the hotel, but there isn't a decent photo of the building itself and one luxury hotel bed looks much the same as another in Mr Kenneth's business travelling opinion. The musical in case you are wondering about that is fantastic - a fan's dream, Mr Kenneth could gush if you wanted. (No, he thought not.)
So with a rubber glove keyring, an oversized, overpriced t-shirt with an appropriate catchphrase slogan thereon and stomach muscles extra-toned from all the laffing as souvenirs of his Wood period, Mr Kenneth aims to come up for air after this VW immersion and see what the real world has to offer for a while.
He thinks it'll be a lot better than being dead, at any rate.
*First person usage to be excused in case of quotation from VW material