Terrible news! Mr Kenneth can't get it out of his head! He's spinning around! Poor little smiley Kylie.
Still, it seems to have been caught early and recovery rates from this form of the disease are good, so it shouldn't be long before she's back out there in her ostrich feathers, belting them out with a voice that belies her size. She's a bit like a bumble bee in that respect. Physically speaking, she shouldn't be able to sing like that, but by some miracle, out comes the locomotion like a locomotive!
Mr Kenneth doesn't consider himself an out and out pop junkie, music-wise. No, his Zen Touch (buy one, they're better than iPods) is full of all manner of eclecticism. (Blur to Burt Kaempfurt, Doves to David Holmes) However if something has that indefinable fab-pop quality it gets past the internal review board and makes it into the Kenneth collection. Our Kyles is Primary Colonel In Chief of the Pop Regiment at present. Long may she reign! Colour Sergeant Gwen Stefani assisted by the 411 platoon might step in and help out while she's on sick leave.
There'll be tears on Mr K's pillow though.
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Thursday, April 28, 2005
April sees Mr Kenneth getting stressed with work and wanting to leave - again. This constant tension is somewhat taking the shine off high points to life like the fact that he's been so privileged as to be granted access to Kylie's Showgirl Tour at Earls Court on Saturday.
He is excited about seeing the queen of pop once again, but the tension is always there in the background. It would help if he just got on and did the frickin work of course, but as usual procrastination rules and instead he writes his blog and composes quizes for his friends.
Such is his silly existence...
He is excited about seeing the queen of pop once again, but the tension is always there in the background. It would help if he just got on and did the frickin work of course, but as usual procrastination rules and instead he writes his blog and composes quizes for his friends.
Such is his silly existence...
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Ooh, I am pleased!
Mr Kenneth apologises for his lack of posts. It is inexcusable and he should be shot. That's all he'll say on that subject.
He meant to blog at the time, but as well as all that palaver with the entry into the BAFTA thing, he has also seen Acorn Antiques, The Musical two times (twice, that is to say one time and then another time) and somewhere in the last couple of months also stayed in a hotel which he discovered only upon arriving was a conversion of the venue where he first saw the great VW perform live for the very first time. It was Victoria Wood mania, it really was! (The venue was Manchester Free Trade hall in case you're interested, you are? Ooh I am pleased!*) It seems the venue was also famous for being the one Bob Dylan first chose to 'go electric', causing riots or some such kerfuffle. But who cares about that (No, of course you don't and quite right too!) Anyway it's now a Radisson Edwardian and a reasonable job they've made of the conversion if you call keeping the facade and ramming a tower block up through the roof 'reasonable'. Mr Kenneth would link to the hotel, but there isn't a decent photo of the building itself and one luxury hotel bed looks much the same as another in Mr Kenneth's business travelling opinion. The musical in case you are wondering about that is fantastic - a fan's dream, Mr Kenneth could gush if you wanted. (No, he thought not.)
So with a rubber glove keyring, an oversized, overpriced t-shirt with an appropriate catchphrase slogan thereon and stomach muscles extra-toned from all the laffing as souvenirs of his Wood period, Mr Kenneth aims to come up for air after this VW immersion and see what the real world has to offer for a while.
He thinks it'll be a lot better than being dead, at any rate.
*First person usage to be excused in case of quotation from VW material
He meant to blog at the time, but as well as all that palaver with the entry into the BAFTA thing, he has also seen Acorn Antiques, The Musical two times (twice, that is to say one time and then another time) and somewhere in the last couple of months also stayed in a hotel which he discovered only upon arriving was a conversion of the venue where he first saw the great VW perform live for the very first time. It was Victoria Wood mania, it really was! (The venue was Manchester Free Trade hall in case you're interested, you are? Ooh I am pleased!*) It seems the venue was also famous for being the one Bob Dylan first chose to 'go electric', causing riots or some such kerfuffle. But who cares about that (No, of course you don't and quite right too!) Anyway it's now a Radisson Edwardian and a reasonable job they've made of the conversion if you call keeping the facade and ramming a tower block up through the roof 'reasonable'. Mr Kenneth would link to the hotel, but there isn't a decent photo of the building itself and one luxury hotel bed looks much the same as another in Mr Kenneth's business travelling opinion. The musical in case you are wondering about that is fantastic - a fan's dream, Mr Kenneth could gush if you wanted. (No, he thought not.)
So with a rubber glove keyring, an oversized, overpriced t-shirt with an appropriate catchphrase slogan thereon and stomach muscles extra-toned from all the laffing as souvenirs of his Wood period, Mr Kenneth aims to come up for air after this VW immersion and see what the real world has to offer for a while.
He thinks it'll be a lot better than being dead, at any rate.
*First person usage to be excused in case of quotation from VW material
Friday, January 28, 2005
Bug hutch!
This is the photograph which should have been inserted between yesterday's paragraphs, but Mr Kenneth has yet to get used to the bits and doings that surround such insertion activities. (Oh how art mirrors life! - or some such double-entendre-ish expression like that) Yes, this is the boy from the film - and he speaks all in that French language of his, which is just so... belt buckles! Also speaking French in a rather unexpected fashion is Jodie Foster who appears in the film especially so that people can whisper to eachother in the cinema, "Is that Jodie Foster under that hat? I didn't know she could speak French". Yes, Mr Kenneth imagines that Jodie must've popped over for a French Exchange while she was over here filming the original Freaky Friday. He imagines that Jodie retained contact with her host as a pen friend, popping over for Summer visits, taking as gifts, souvenir Statues of Liberty and Hershey Bars, whilst Dominique would've given Jodie fashion and sex tips, both of which Jodie ignored. Aah, happy days...
Thursday, January 27, 2005
And now a message for our viewers in the North...
Mr Kenneth saw A Very Long Engagement with the MALIL last night and heartily recommends it to all. On the one hand there is war gore for the boys and on the other hand there is righteous romance for the boyz. A beautiful film and no mistaking! (Especially the chap, oh so French! - Y'know, funny looking but with a quality that makes one think of belt buckles hitting the floor)
The Curzon Soho doesn't do Orange Wednesdays though, so beware!... If you're going there on a Wednesday and don't want to spend much money.
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Well, Mr Kenneth had a rollercoaster of a weekend. An incident involving a physical reaction to vodka in front of an audience of new work colleagues was the prelude to a weekend of mixed fortunes. Saturday was spent in a fug of hangover and shame but Sunday began in a sunny enough way, listening to the Archers omnibus and then out to meet the Most Attractive Lesbians in London (MALIL) for the first of the theatrical outings. Aladdin was wonderful. Hilariously funny, with Sir Ian fantastic as Widow Twanky and the boy McFadden as sweet as ever. The production was followed by the usual top notch nosh in Tokyo Diner, which went down well as always. HOWEVER, eating here as opposed to some really fast food was a bit of a mistake as, Mr Kenneth's party was scheduled to arrive at the Prince of Wales theatre for the second production of the night at 6pm and not a moment later and arrival did not come to pass before 6.10! Disaster had struck!
Mr Kenneth frequently scans the BBC Audience Tickets website for free things to do, with a TV and/or comedy slant plus the opportunity to be seen by the Manchesterford Massive on the box, as t'were. On one such occasion he was lucky enough to see a limited availability opportunity to attend the recording of a special BAFTA presentation to none other than comedy heroine, Victoria Wood. The show was to be recorded in front of an audience of invited celebrities and would include contributions and tributes from all manner of VW's friends and colleagues. With a tenacity Mr Kenneth is rarely seen to exhibit, he set about ensuring that by hook, crook or walking frame, tickets from the limited availability were secured for a Kenneth posse to the max. This involved telephoning a special number which opened on an advertised date at an advertised time, so Mr Kenneth set reminders in Outlook at work and in the mobile phone, to ensure this deadline did not pass without ticket reservation. Ten minutes before the line was to open, Kenneth was panting on the line. He queued behind only 5 other callers according to the recorded messages to finally get through (to an obvious homosexual, but that's by the bye-pass) and be told that four tickets in his name had been provisionally reserved. Said tokens of entry soon arrived at Chez Ken and from that day to Sunday, 'looking forward' could scarsely describe Mr Kenneth's anticipation of the event.
Unfortunately, arrival at 6.10pm, for the 6.30pm doors when, as he later learnt, others had been queueing since 4, was decidedly remiss and the queue was cut off about five or six people in front of the Kenneth Krewe; the venue being full. The Lumby being one of Mr Kenneth's group, was all for joining the reserve queue - which the very nice BBC woman assured us was unlikely itself to get in in its entirety - him being cheek personified and expert in weedling his way into events one way or another. (Whether he's ever been in by the back door is still to be revealed) However, as the wider group was unlikely to secure entry to this particular event whilst staying together and as all aside from The Lumby were self-proclaimed homoseximos, The Lumby was left jumping up and down outside the theatre, saying "look! It's Celia!" whilst the others proceeded Trash Palace to drown their sorrows.
The sight of some cute boys soothed Mr Kenneth's disappointment somewhat and the MALIL did the rest, with sparkling conversation and silly bluetooth fun. The show will be broadcast on 5th February on BBC1, the Lumby told Mr Kenneth later, as he only slightly smugly related the story of how he indeed, as expected enjoyed the evening in amongst the Wooderati. Never mind, Mr Kenneth knows the MALIL, it's kind of the same thing really, when you think about it.
Mr Kenneth frequently scans the BBC Audience Tickets website for free things to do, with a TV and/or comedy slant plus the opportunity to be seen by the Manchesterford Massive on the box, as t'were. On one such occasion he was lucky enough to see a limited availability opportunity to attend the recording of a special BAFTA presentation to none other than comedy heroine, Victoria Wood. The show was to be recorded in front of an audience of invited celebrities and would include contributions and tributes from all manner of VW's friends and colleagues. With a tenacity Mr Kenneth is rarely seen to exhibit, he set about ensuring that by hook, crook or walking frame, tickets from the limited availability were secured for a Kenneth posse to the max. This involved telephoning a special number which opened on an advertised date at an advertised time, so Mr Kenneth set reminders in Outlook at work and in the mobile phone, to ensure this deadline did not pass without ticket reservation. Ten minutes before the line was to open, Kenneth was panting on the line. He queued behind only 5 other callers according to the recorded messages to finally get through (to an obvious homosexual, but that's by the bye-pass) and be told that four tickets in his name had been provisionally reserved. Said tokens of entry soon arrived at Chez Ken and from that day to Sunday, 'looking forward' could scarsely describe Mr Kenneth's anticipation of the event.
Unfortunately, arrival at 6.10pm, for the 6.30pm doors when, as he later learnt, others had been queueing since 4, was decidedly remiss and the queue was cut off about five or six people in front of the Kenneth Krewe; the venue being full. The Lumby being one of Mr Kenneth's group, was all for joining the reserve queue - which the very nice BBC woman assured us was unlikely itself to get in in its entirety - him being cheek personified and expert in weedling his way into events one way or another. (Whether he's ever been in by the back door is still to be revealed) However, as the wider group was unlikely to secure entry to this particular event whilst staying together and as all aside from The Lumby were self-proclaimed homoseximos, The Lumby was left jumping up and down outside the theatre, saying "look! It's Celia!" whilst the others proceeded Trash Palace to drown their sorrows.
The sight of some cute boys soothed Mr Kenneth's disappointment somewhat and the MALIL did the rest, with sparkling conversation and silly bluetooth fun. The show will be broadcast on 5th February on BBC1, the Lumby told Mr Kenneth later, as he only slightly smugly related the story of how he indeed, as expected enjoyed the evening in amongst the Wooderati. Never mind, Mr Kenneth knows the MALIL, it's kind of the same thing really, when you think about it.
Friday, January 21, 2005
Life? You mean... real life?
Inspired by continuing to read the blogs of Glitter For Brains (Most excellent camp nonsense), Honey Tom (Worthy and eloquent writings) and Emma Kennedy(Has a manner which deludes one into thinking she might become one's best friend) Mr Kenneth has decided to once again unfurl the petals of verbiage that form the Manchesterford Diary. Is anyone still checking in he wonders?
Aside from the aforementioned inspiration, Mr Kenneth is moved to recommence his internetular chronicles, owing to finally having connections from home reinstated. The Manchesterford mansion's modem died after an entanglement with some Nokia Mobile Phone software in July, and the urge to have said modem repaired was weakened both by the expense of such an operation and the inclination to consign dial-up to the past and reinvigour the internet experience with full speed broadband. So, in typical Mr Kenneth fashion, this alternative course of action was considered in little depth and over much time before finally some action was indeed taken. (Mr Kenneth took 4 years to change his job from the time of deciding to and a year or so longer to join a gym)
To the Internet and beyond! - well to Gaydar in the first instance if the truth be told. (The attrition of a consistently negative experience has been largely - and perhaps deliberately - forgotten with time and abeyance) And lo! The experience has proved fruitful! Perhaps the combination of gym and renewed photography made the difference. Perhaps the increased maturity and confidence and greater wealth of life experience has shown through in some way. Whatever, there has been some success. Mr Kenneth, won't bore (or titillate) with the gory details and perhaps to say the experience has been "fruitful" may be over egging the pudding and leading readers to believe a happy ending of love and fulfillment is in the offing - which of course it isn't, but Mr Kenneth has had a shag and a not unwelcome amount of welcome attention, so things aren't all doom and gloom as January progresses into February.
What's more, Mr Kenneth shall be having a weekend of fun - well at least Sunday is planned as an extravaganza. Firstly a matinee performance of Aladdin, starring Sir Ian McKellern as Widow Twanky, the gorgeous Jo McFadden in the title role and Ramon Tikaram as the genie. To add to an already fabulous sounding line-up readers, Maureen Lipman is in it too! Follow these theatrics with a recording of a special BAFTA presentation to Victoria Wood - whose work Mr Kenneth quotes to geeky extremes as any fans will have noticed from the titling of his postings - and one can hardly deny that some fun will be had! (For once! Mr Kenneth's weekends have been a little lacking in excitement of late - save for the shag last weekend he supposes)
Should the momentum continue, dear readers (Hah!) Mr Kenneth will report back on events.
Truffle please, Miss Grace!
Aside from the aforementioned inspiration, Mr Kenneth is moved to recommence his internetular chronicles, owing to finally having connections from home reinstated. The Manchesterford mansion's modem died after an entanglement with some Nokia Mobile Phone software in July, and the urge to have said modem repaired was weakened both by the expense of such an operation and the inclination to consign dial-up to the past and reinvigour the internet experience with full speed broadband. So, in typical Mr Kenneth fashion, this alternative course of action was considered in little depth and over much time before finally some action was indeed taken. (Mr Kenneth took 4 years to change his job from the time of deciding to and a year or so longer to join a gym)
To the Internet and beyond! - well to Gaydar in the first instance if the truth be told. (The attrition of a consistently negative experience has been largely - and perhaps deliberately - forgotten with time and abeyance) And lo! The experience has proved fruitful! Perhaps the combination of gym and renewed photography made the difference. Perhaps the increased maturity and confidence and greater wealth of life experience has shown through in some way. Whatever, there has been some success. Mr Kenneth, won't bore (or titillate) with the gory details and perhaps to say the experience has been "fruitful" may be over egging the pudding and leading readers to believe a happy ending of love and fulfillment is in the offing - which of course it isn't, but Mr Kenneth has had a shag and a not unwelcome amount of welcome attention, so things aren't all doom and gloom as January progresses into February.
What's more, Mr Kenneth shall be having a weekend of fun - well at least Sunday is planned as an extravaganza. Firstly a matinee performance of Aladdin, starring Sir Ian McKellern as Widow Twanky, the gorgeous Jo McFadden in the title role and Ramon Tikaram as the genie. To add to an already fabulous sounding line-up readers, Maureen Lipman is in it too! Follow these theatrics with a recording of a special BAFTA presentation to Victoria Wood - whose work Mr Kenneth quotes to geeky extremes as any fans will have noticed from the titling of his postings - and one can hardly deny that some fun will be had! (For once! Mr Kenneth's weekends have been a little lacking in excitement of late - save for the shag last weekend he supposes)
Should the momentum continue, dear readers (Hah!) Mr Kenneth will report back on events.
Truffle please, Miss Grace!
Friday, January 14, 2005
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